Our offer for children with Special Education Needs (SEN)

We are a fully inclusive school. We ensure that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs). Children with SEN at Benfield School make good progress and achieve in line with other schools nationally.

Please view our ‘Information Report’ below to find out more about what’s on offer. You can also find more information in our SEND Policy which can be found on our Policies page. 

At Benfield School we operate a graduated response to all SEND with a focus on ‘Quality First Teaching’. To view more information on the kind of inclusion that teachers practice in the classroom take a look at our teacher SEND Toolbox.

My child has difficulties with learning, literacy or numeracy

This can include:

  • Reading and spelling.
  • Learning new information and concepts.
  • Working with numbers.
    Working memory.
  • Concentration.
  • Pupils may have conditions such as Specific Learning Difficulties, dyslexia, general learning difficulties, AD(H)D, Fragile X, Down Syndrome.
  • Pupils may present with difficulties that do not have a specific title.

What does Benfield School offer?

All of our pupils have access to:

  • Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice).
  • Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes.
  • ICT is used to reduce barriers to learning where possible
  • Access to homework support
  • Access to assessment for identification of significant needs.
  • Dedicated and caring staff who value all pupils regardless of ability.

Support for pupils may include:

    • Blocks of 1:1 small group lessons that focus on a range of needs such as literacy, comprehension and spelling
    • Where needed, help from an external agency (e.g. Educational Psychologist).
    • Learning Support Assistant support in some lessons.

    Targeted individual support may include:

    • On-going tailor made 1:1 tuition in the Learning Support Department, led by a suitably qualified member of staff
    • Where needed, help from an external agency (e.g. Educational Psychologist).
    • Regular testing for pupils with literacy difficulties to review and plan.
    • External agency advice where needed.
    • Exam Access Arrangements.
    • Post 16 Transition support.



    My child has difficulties with speech, language or social communication

    This can include:

    • Understanding language.

    • Using language.

    • Understanding how to communicate socially with other people.

    • Conditions include: Specific Language Disorder, ASD/ASC (Autism), Asperger Syndrome, speech sound disorders/delay.

    • Stammering – advice given to families about how to access support from outside agencies.

    What does Benfield School offer?

    All of our pupils have access to:

    • Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice).

    • Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes.

    • ICT is used to reduce barriers to learning where possible

    • Access to homework support

    • Access to assessment for identification of significant needs.

    • Dedicated and caring staff who value all pupils regardless of ability.

    Support may include:

    • Assessment and identification of language need and feedback to parents/carers and staff.

    • Referral to the Speech and Language Therapy or SEND Outreach Service

    • Small group intervention programmes include: vocabulary, inference and deduction and language building blocks.

    • Pre and post intervention skills assessment and results.

    • Post intervention feedback to pupil, parents/carers and staff.

    • In-class support in some lessons.

    Targeted individual support may include:

    • 1:1 sessions with a Speech and Language Therapist.

    • 1:1 or small group sessions with SEND Outreach Service

    • Individual support in some lessons.

    • On-going monitoring and regular feedback to parents/carers and pupils (at least termly and including the Annual Review).

    • Exam access arrangements.

    • Post 16 transition support.




    My child has difficulties with speech, language or social communication

    This can include:

    • Understanding language.

    • Using language.

    • Understanding how to communicate socially with other people.

    • Conditions include: Specific Language Disorder, ASD/ASC (Autism), Asperger Syndrome, speech sound disorders/delay.

    • Stammering – advice given to families about how to access support from outside agencies.

    What does Benfield School offer?

    All of our pupils have access to:

    • Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice).

    • Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes.

    • ICT is used to reduce barriers to learning where possible

    • Access to homework support

    • Access to assessment for identification of significant needs.

    • Dedicated and caring staff who value all pupils regardless of ability.

    Support may include:

    • Assessment and identification of language need and feedback to parents/carers and staff.

    • Referral to the Speech and Language Therapy or SEND Outreach Service

    • Small group intervention programmes include: vocabulary, inference and deduction and language building blocks.

    • Pre and post intervention skills assessment and results.

    • Post intervention feedback to pupil, parents/carers and staff.

    • In-class support in some lessons.

    Targeted individual support may include:

    • 1:1 sessions with a Speech and Language Therapist.

    • 1:1 or small group sessions with SEND Outreach Service

    • Individual support in some lessons.

    • On-going monitoring and regular feedback to parents/carers and pupils (at least termly and including the Annual Review).

    • Exam access arrangements.

    • Post 16 transition support.




    My child has sensory/physical needs

    This section covers pupils who have difficulties with:

    • Vision.

    • Hearing.

    • Gross motor co-ordination.

    • Fine motor co-ordination.

    • Self-organisation for daily living.

    • It includes conditions such as cerebral palsy, physical injury, dyspraxia.

    What does Benfield School do?

    All of our pupils have access to:

    • Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice).

    • School adheres to guidelines on physical access.

    • Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes.

    • ICT is used to reduce barriers to learning where possible

    • Access to homework support

    • Access to assessment for identification of significant needs.

    • Dedicated and caring staff who value all pupils regardless of ability.

    Support for pupils may include:

    • Medical Care Plans.

    • Handwriting /fine motor/keyboard skills training.

    • Referral to the Public Health School Nurses

    • Access to assistive technology or software

    • Access to teaching assistant support.

    Targeted individual support may include:

    • Personalised support plans.

    • 1:1 Outside Agency support from Advisory Teachers.

    • Individual handwriting /fine motor/keyboard skills training.

    • Specialist equipment and materials, such as low vision aids and enlarged adapted resources.

    • Access to assistive technology and software

    • Targeted LSA support for complex medical needs, including practical support.

    • Exam Access Arrangements.






    Frequently Asked Questions.

    1. How does your school know if my child needs extra help?
    2. What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?  Who can I contact for further information?
    3. What is an EHCP?
    4. How will I know if your school is supporting my child? How will I know how my child is doing? How is pupil progress monitored?
    5. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? How are the school’s resources allocated to these needs?
    6. What specialist services and expertise are available at the school?
    7. How will you help in supporting my child’s learning at home?
    8. What support will be there for my child’s well-being?
    9. How will the school help prepare my child for transfer to post-16 education or to another school?

    How does your school know if my child needs extra help?

    • If your child is transferring to Benfield School and already has a special educational need or disability, your primary school will inform the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator at the school. These children form the majority of SEND pupils at the school.

    • There is planning between the schools and with parents/carers in Year 6 to support the pupil’s move from primary to secondary school.

    • On entry to the school, all pupils will be screened on key skills. This system can pick up potential needs at the earliest stage.

    • Some children do well at primary school but find the transition to secondary education more difficult. The teachers are highly alert so that such areas of need are spotted early and referred to the Pastoral and Learning Support Teams so that support can be co-ordinated promptly.

    • The school listens to parents/carers. Sometimes, the first signs of needs are identified through conversation at home so parents/carers are always welcome to contact the school to talk about concerns.

    What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?  Who can I contact for further information?

    • If you are concerned about your child’s abilities, the school will listen to your concerns, discuss them with you and agree on a plan that requires monitoring or may require assessment by specialist staff or external agencies.

    • You can contact the school by phone, letter or e-mail (please see contact details on the school website).

    • If your child is still at primary school, talk to your child’s teacher there who can help you look at any issues and make links with Benfield to help prepare for the next year.

    What is an Education, Health and Care Plan?

    An Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is a legal document that identifies a child’s SEND needs and focusses on the support required to meet agreed outcomes. EHCPs also outline the child’s health and social care needs, outcomes and support alongside educational needs.

    About 3-4% of children require an EHCP.

    For more information on the statutory assessment process and EHCPs please click here.

    How will I know if your school is supporting my child? How will I know how my child is doing? How is pupil progress monitored?

    All pupils:

    • The school will send correspondence (for example a letter or e-mail) to let you know if we are proposing to offer your child support that is additional to or different from what is already in place for all mainstream pupils.

    • Parents’ evenings are opportunities to discuss your child’s progress and needs and to find out about support options.

    • Parents/carers are always welcome to contact their child’s form tutor or Year Team at any time to discuss particular concerns as they arise.

    Pupils with EHCPs:

    • Your child will have identified needs and an education plan in place from the time they start at Benfield. Parents/carers will receive termly news on outcomes of any extra intervention.

    • Pupils will have an Annual Review of their progress and needs. This comes in the form of a full written school report and a specially arranged face to face meeting between parents/carers, staff and any professionals involved with the family. During this meeting, pupils, parents/carers and professionals have the chance to express their views about the progress being made and the provision they are receiving at school.

    How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? How are the school’s resources allocated to these needs?

    • All staff are trained, (through a yearly programme of Continuing Professional Development sessions), in adapting lesson plans to increase the use of elements known to support pupils who need extra support. For some pupils with less complex needs, this is all that is required to help them make progress.

    • Teachers also have access to the profiles of pupils known to have specific needs and they can collaborate with the specialist staff to build adaptations to activities especially for those individual pupils.

    • Individual strategies meetings (Team Around the Pupil) will be held with teaching and support staff, where appropriate.

    • Many lessons benefit from having a Learning Support Assistant in the class who can identify difficulties and help to give instant support.

    • We offer a wide choice of courses and qualifications, ensuring a greater depth of learning and development of skills.  This also enables pupils to focus on the subjects that interest them or will be helpful for their future whilst maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum.  For more information on the curriculum Benfield offers please visit the relevant pages on the website.

    • If your child is specifically funded through their EHCP, meetings with the SENDCo will include discussion and agreement about how that funding is used and monitored.

    What specialist services and expertise are available at the school?

    • The Learning Support Team includes staff who have received additional formal training in their area of specialism learning/literacy, speech/language/social communication needs (SLCN) and/or mentoring for social/emotional/mental health

    • All Learning Support Assistants receive regular Continuing Professional Development training and coaching for specific SEND areas.

    • The school brings in additional expertise from outside agencies, including:

    • Educational Psychology

    • Occupational Therapy

    • Physiotherapy

    • Speech and Language Therapy

    • CYPS

    • Newcastle Outreach Service

    How will you help in supporting my child’s learning at home?

    • The school provides parents/carers with advice on how to support your child’s homework. Parents/carers are always welcome to contact their child’s Form Tutor for more specific advice at any time.

    • Parents/carers are always invited to feedback sessions from outside agencies

    • Outcomes from strategies meetings will be shared

    • Parents/carers will be invited to attend other specific events during the year e.g. Options Evening which give further support to parents/carers and pupils.

    • Annual review reports written at Benfield often contain advice that will be discussed and developed with you at the face-to-face Annual Review meeting.

    • Parents/carers are always welcome to contact the Learning Support Team for ongoing advice.

    What support will be there for my child’s well-being?

    • It is vital that all pupils in our school feel valued, cared for, confident and supported.

    • Tutor and PSHCE programme.

    • Pupils who have social, emotional and mental health issues or develop them later on are offered additional measures to help them cope read more on the Social, Emotional & Mental health page.

    How will the school help prepare my child for transfer to post-16 education or to another school?

    • All pupils will have at least one meeting with a Careers Advisor. During this meeting pupils will have the chance to talk about different Post 16 options.

    • Staff consider work related learning opportunities within the curriculum.

    • Pupils attend trips or extra-curricular activities which help them prepare for the world of work

    • Pupils may take part in programmes of work which help prepare them for life post-16 e.g. Life Skills.

    • Pupils will receive support with completing college applications.

    • School staff will liaise with work experience placements to ensure that their staff are aware of pupil needs.

    Local Offer

    The Newcastle Local Offer gives detailed information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND and their families.

    It has places to go and fun things to do.  From school holiday activities and short breaks, to clubs and groups to join in with.  There’s advice and guidance on education, health, care and a range of young people’s issues.


    SENDIASS offers an impartial confidential service at any stage of a child or young person’s education.

    Key Contacts

    SENCO: Mrs A Lindner (a.lindner@neatat.org.uk)