Careers at Benfield
At Benfield School we strive to support to every student to achieve and aim to raise their aspirations to believe in themselves. Through high quality careers education, information, advice and guidance programme, our pupils are supported to make realistic and informed decisions about their career pathways, to have high aspirations and to support them with achieving personal success and future economic wellbeing.
We support pupils in making well-informed decisions about significant study or career choices, by providing access to differentiated, impartial and independent information and guidance about the range of options (including academic, vocational, apprenticeships) that are most likely to help them to achieve their ambitions. By helping pupils with decisions at crucial stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to employers, we aim to prepare them for the world of work regardless of the pathway they choose.
We have a careers programme designed to support our pupils at all stages of their learning journey. This programme will provide our pupils with the knowledge, inspiration and ability to take ownership of their own career action plans which will enable them to succeed in their chosen career paths. Our careers programme supports the achievement of the eight Gatsby Benchmarks as detailed in the Department for Education’s Statutory Guidance, January 2018.
To demonstrate our commitment to delivering high quality careers education, Benfield School is working with Careers Inc to achieve the nationally recognised Quality in Careers Standard.
Careers Programme – Aims
Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme will:
• Provide high quality independent and impartial careers advice to all pupils which raises aspirations and motivates them to consider a broad range of careers to fulfil their potential. By the age of 16 all pupils will have received at least one independent guidance interview.
• Empower young people to plan and manage their own futures.
• Give careers and labour market information and advice that is up to date.
• Respond to the needs of each learner, supporting inclusion, challenging stereotyping and promoting equality of opportunity.
• Provide opportunities to work in partnership with employers to inspire pupils through real-life contact with the world of work. All pupils will participate in at least one meaningful employer encounter each year and have at least one experience of a workplace by the age of 16.
• Provide opportunities to access a range of further and higher education institutions, training providers and others to ensure pupils are informed of all available pathways including technical education qualifications and apprenticeships
• Develop enterprise and employability skills including skills for self-employment.
• Support pupils at key transition points.
Core Careers Offer
All pupils at Benfield School are entitled to receive a programme of careers education, work- related learning, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG and WRL). This will be delivered at appropriate times to support decision making.
Our core careers offer for all pupils includes:
• Access to independent careers guidance by a qualified professional – at least one interview by the age of 16
• Advice and support tailored to the needs of each student
• Activities which seek to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise aspirations
• Subject lessons linked to careers
• Employer encounters – at least one each year including STEM employers
• Experience of the workplace – at least one experience by the age of 16
• Opportunities to speak with/visit a range of further education, higher education and training providers
• Access to careers information via Tutor Time, bulletins, careers library and online resources
• Life Skills lessons
• Promotion of local labour market information
• Parental support and guidance
Provider Access Statement
Benfield School offers opportunities for providers to meet with pupils. Please contact a member of our Careers Team to identify the most suitable opportunity for you and for a copy of our Provider Access Statement which complies with Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Careers Leader
Mrs K Allon
National Careers Service
The National Careers Service is a service provided by the government to help you with your career, learning and training choices: