Benfield School Uniform and Equipment

As we approach the start of the new school year, we would like to share Benfield School uniform and equipment policy to ensure your child attends properly dressed and fully equipped for learning. We regularly receive positive comments about how smart our students look; we think it is important that our young people take a pride in their appearance. We believe that first impressions count and that appearances do matter. All students and staff follow a dress code that helps to create the right learning ethos and demonstrates our commitment to excellence. The vast majority of our students wear their uniform with PRIDE, we want to ensure all our students do this next year.  

Personal Appearance

We are always conscious of health and safety risks both to the owner and others, consequently, the only jewellery allowed is a wristwatch and one pair of stud earrings.  In addition, facial or bodily piercings, long and false nails and nail decoration are not allowed.

Make-up is not permitted for KS3 students. If it is worn by KS4 students, it should be discreetly used and not be excessive.

Hair styles – should be practical, clean and suitable for a working environment. Hairstyles representing various current trends such as mohicans, hair shaved in bands, stripes, initials or dyed in bright, unnatural colours are unacceptable. Hair accessories must be a plain colour and discreet. Eyebrows shaved in stripes are unacceptable.

Hats, hoods and outdoor clothing MUST be removed on entering the building and are not to worn in school.  

Should a student present without the correct uniform, we will be contacting parents or carers and requesting that they return home to change, or that someone brings the correct uniform into school that morning. Students will be asked to remove excessive make up and other items that don’t comply with the policy. Students who repeatedly don’t comply with the expectations, will be isolated until the issue is resolved.

If you have any doubts or questions, please check with your Year Leader (school admin during the holidays). 

Reminder: Year 5 and 6 Open Evening Thursday 19th September 4pm to 6pm. For more Information on Benfield transition.