Year 6 Transition 

We are incredibly excited to meet you and your child and to welcome you all to our school community. Below you can find information on upcoming events as we approach the life changing milestone of our pupils making the transition from primary to secondary school.

At Benfield School, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and guidance throughout this process. We understand the importance of this significant life change and are committed to ensuring that it is as smooth and successful as possible for each and every family.

We want to assure you that Benfield nurtures an environment that encourages growth and development through the four pillars. Our pillars underpin our school vision to be one community with a relentless ambition to grow leaders and inspire the extraordinary.

Community with kindness

Leadership with integrity

Ambition through resilience

Excellence and pride

If you have any further questions then please do not hesitate to contact us using the dedicated transition email address: 

Below you can read our letter to parents and carers which details the events planned for our Year 6 transition.

Important Future Dates

Transition Evening 18th June 2024 4pm-5.30pm
Soccer Saturday 29th June 2024 9-11am
Transition Days 9th-10th July 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I get to meet my teachers before I join Benfield in September?

Absolutely! Our transition team will meet you to get to know you before you leave primary school. We will welcome all new September starters for transition days on the 9th and 10th June. During those days, you will have an introduction to secondary school. You will sample lessons and be introduced to Benfield routines and expectations.

What if I don’t make any friends?

Moving into secondary school is a big step! We have lots of worries that are completely  understandable! Our transition team will work alongside your primary school and we will try our best to put you in a form with one of your friends. If you are coming to Benfield alone, there are so many opportunities to meet new people! You could meet a new best friend in one of your classes or in one of our many extracurricular clubs!

What if I get lost moving around school?

Secondary school certainly is a lot bigger than primary school; however, most of our students know their way  around the school by the end of the first week. We support you by helping you move around school if you are lost. Our school has signs with directions to classrooms on each corridor to help you out.

What if the work is too hard?

At Benfield, we want to encourage all our students to achieve the best they can! Our lessons aim to inspire you and become curious about the world around you. Work can be challenging, but your teacher will support you to achieve in each and every lesson.

Are there any clubs?

At Benfield, our teachers love to share their time with our students and ignite their interests in new things!   We have lunchtime and after school clubs, that range from football to knitting! We encourage each and every one of our students to take part in our clubs so that they can take advantage of the fantastic opportunities these bring!

What does the school day look like?


Line up


Form time


Lesson 1


Lesson 2


Break time


Lesson 3


Lunch time


Lesson 4


Lesson 5


Home time

We welcome students on site from 8.00 am. Our breakfast club is open to all students. Students must be in their form group line ups for 8.40am.  On a Monday morning, Year 7 has a whole year group assembly. We have a two-week timetable. This means that we have a two-week cycle of lessons. When looking at your timetable, it is important to know which week you are on. The weeks always follow on after a school holiday. So, for example, if you finish a holiday on week 2, they start the next half term on week 1.

Who can I contact if I have a query?

So that you are happy, cared for and well supported, we have increased our pastoral team, who work alongside parents, pupils and teachers. You will be given your form tutor’s and year lead’s contact details so that there is a positive and appropriate line of communication between school and home. Your form tutor is always the first person you should speak to, so that they can advise you how to move forward.